Closed petition GST exemption on essential products and services.

This petition is to request the States of Jersey to make GST exempt on the following products and services:

- Hygiene products
- Health products
- Medical care products
- Home Care Nursing fees
- Residential Care Home fees
- Disability aids and equipment

More details

In July 2018 it was announced that the increase in cost of living in Jersey rose by 4.5% for the first 6 months.
People's salaries and income are not keeping up with Jersey's soaring cost of living which is hitting hard for people on low income, the sick, the pensioners and the disabled.

To help ease some of pressures on the cost of living GST should be exempt on essential products and services.

Undeniably, food and utilities (water, electricity, gas, telephone) should also be GST exempt.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

188 signatures
