Closed petition Save the parking spaces in front of Le Marquand Brothers Ltd (Pets Paradise)
Following the decision to build the new hospital on the Overdale site, plans have been suggested for a new road system at West Park.
The plans show all the customer parking areas directly outside our premises and also the extra unloading bays to be removed completely.
This will ruin our business.
More details
This means that customers arriving by car to our pet shop will have nowhere to park.
These parking spaces are invaluable for loading heavier goods.
We have not been consulted, at any time, by the Our Hospital Team.
We are a family run Company established in 1900, who continued to trade even during the German Occupation we are not about to be steam rolled out of existence.
Please help by signing this petition.
This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months
2,109 signatures
Ministers responded
This response was given on 28 September 2021
Consultation is underway, including with Pets Paradise, and the team are working to find a solution for the business and its customers that maintains good access to the shop.
Read the response in full
The project is looking to provide better access to the whole area, including Cheapside and the surrounding roads, which will benefit from increased footfall once the new hospital is open.
The changes to the traffic system at West Park are intended to improve vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access to the park and the new hospital, including for patients, visitors and ambulances. They will also provide better access for residents and businesses in the area.
The draft plans described in this petition are not final and will be updated following feedback from stakeholders.
The Our Hospital team are in the process of engaging with those who are affected, and meetings have taken place with nearby residents and businesses, including Pets Paradise. The consultation is ongoing and the Our Hospital team will do everything in their power to find an acceptable and safe solution that meets the requirements of Islanders who currently use the area.