Closed petition Make King Street and Queen Street smoke-free

Views on smoking in public are often neglected here in Jersey. This is affecting everyone's health, both smokers and non-smokers. Help make King Street and Queen Street smoke-free, for everyone's future.

More details

Limiting smoking outside businesses on King Street and Queen Street would benefit non-smokers and children, greatly reducing exposure to second-hand smoke for those shopping and working in the area. In other jurisdictions, for example Alberta in Canada, smoking is not permitted within a 5-metre radius of any public entrance. This approach would lessen the risk of second-hand smoke to shop workers, who must tolerate second-hand smoke on a day-to-day basis, putting their lives at risk.

The public's health should be taken seriously when it comes to the impact of others’ lifestyle choices.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

50 signatures
