Closed petition Reconsider decision on decriminalizing cannabis and hold another vote
States of Jersey to reconsider their decision on decriminalizing cannabis and hold another vote.
On June 26th, 2024, the States of Jersey narrowly rejected a proposal to decriminalize cannabis. Many residents believe the current cannabis laws are unfair and a more progressive approach is needed.
More details
Despite public support (60% in a 2023 JEP poll), Jersey’s Assembly rejected cannabis decriminalization on June 26th, 2024. Many residents favour reform, citing successful decriminalization elsewhere. Proponents argue it would; end unfair arrests (over half of 2022 candidates supported reduced penalties), free up police for serious crimes & generate revenue through taxation and a regulated cannabis industry. Studies show decriminalization doesn't increase overall drug use (A Quiet Revolution - by Release).
This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months
474 signatures