Petition Re-open Broad Street

It has recently been announced that the Minister for Infrastructure Connétable Andy Jehan and his Assistant Minister Connétable Simon Crowcroft intend spending £2.5 million pounds of tax payers money paving over Broad Street and other streets in the vicinity.

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I believe this is wrong on so many counts not least the £2.5 million pounds could be better spent on other much needed projects. We have seen a mental health charity close recently due to lack of funds, charities struggling to provide services because their grants are insufficient to cover staff costs and the much loved Havre des Pas swimming pool left to deteriorate through lack of funding by the Infrastructure Minister’s own Department. I believe the time is right to lodge this petition, in order to give the public of Jersey an opportunity of registering their disapproval of this vanity project. Please sign this petition requesting the Minister to re-open Broad Street to vehicular traffic, to reinstate disabled parking and to maintain all current bus routes through Broad Street.

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195 signatures


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