Petition Abolish majority jury verdicts for serious criminal offences

Majority jury verdicts can lead to miscarriages of justice. According to a report by Appeal, the UK miscarriage of justice charity, there have been 56 people who were wrongfully convicted by a majority verdict and had their convictions quashed. (

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Majority jury verdicts risk unsafe convictions, which should always be proved "beyond reasonable doubt". Appeal’s report states that the principle of jury unanimity should be reinstated. In the US till 2020 only two States: Oregon and Louisiana allowed non-unanimous jury verdicts in criminal cases. This changed in 2020 when the “Supreme Court held that the Constitution requires unanimous jury verdicts in state criminal trials” (

In Jersey, the Criminal Assize which deals with serious cases of criminal offences permits a majority verdict. This petition calls for the abolishment of a majority verdict in any serious criminal offence trial.

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