Other lists of petitions

Petitions with response

84 petitions

  1. Extend winter beach times to allow dogs to be walked offlead all day in lockdown

    Ministers responded – 21 May 2020

    Stay at Home restrictions have now been eased to allow islanders to be out for six hours resulting in beaches being used more normally. The Regulations, therefore, need to remain in place.

    1,344 signatures

  2. Say no to 5G

    Ministers responded – 19 May 2020

    Since 2019 (https://petitions.gov.je/petitions/200196) no new evidence has emerged on safety of 5G networks. There are still no substantiated health impacts from mobile phone services, including 5G.

    1,361 signatures

  3. Key workers to be paid 30% extra during Covid-19

    Ministers responded – 14 May 2020

    The Government recognises the significant contribution of public service workers. However, we are not in agreement that public service workers should receive a 30% uplift at this time.

    1,288 signatures

  4. Legalize, Decriminalize and regulate Cannabis for Islanders

    Ministers responded – 1 May 2020

    The Minister, having taken into consideration factors including those listed in full below and the position of the World Health Organisation, rejects the petition.

    3,021 signatures

  5. Freeze personal tax until 2021 and move all onto 'pay as you earn'.

    Ministers responded – 1 May 2020

    The Minister is sympathetic to calls to move all taxpayers onto a current year payment basis. The Minister does not support the part of the petition calling for Government to freeze tax immediately.

    1,673 signatures

  6. Put Jersey on a lockdown during the Coronavirus outbreak.

    Ministers responded – 8 April 2020

    Jersey entered 'lockdown' on 30 March so there was no need to debate the e-petition. However, the Assembly met on 2 April (online) to debate legislation to enforce the lockdown.

    6,048 signatures

  7. Provide support for on going childcare payments during closures due to Covid-19

    Ministers responded – 20 April 2020

    The Minister for Education recognises parent and carer concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on childcare provision. Childcare providers can apply for a range of Government support measures.

    1,261 signatures

  8. Close School and colleges in Jersey during the outbreak of the COVID-19

    Ministers responded – 8 April 2020

    The Minister decided to close Government provided schools and colleges from 23rd March 2020. Her decision, made on 18th March 2020, was based on medical advice presented at the Emergencies Council.

    1,781 signatures

  9. Reverse the decision to spend £200,000 on the child abuse memorial

    Ministers responded – 12 March 2020

    We understand and appreciate Islanders’ concerns. As a key part of our response to the Care Inquiry, the memorial must be a sensitive focus for reflection and an enduring promise to Jersey’s children.

    2,886 signatures

  10. Ban all new plastic carrier bags from being given out or sold in Jersey

    Ministers responded – 11 March 2020

    Whilst fully supportive of the principle to reduce the use of avoidable single use plastic, further investigation is required to assess if a plastic ban is the best way forward.

    1,213 signatures

  11. STOP the government extending car park charging hours from 8AM-5PM to 7AM-6PM.

    Ministers responded – 21 November 2019

    The Government has amended the original proposal and is now proposing to extend chargeable parking hours until 6pm and increase the unit cost of parking by 5p.

    4,986 signatures

  12. Make Monday 11 May, 2020, a public holiday to fully celebrate Liberation 75.

    Ministers responded – 24 July 2019

    The Council of Ministers recognises the importance of Liberation 75 and is proposing the 8th May as a bank holiday in addition to the 9th. As such, a bank holiday on the 11th May is unnecessary.

    1,179 signatures

  13. Demand for a full investigation into the safety of a 5G network in Jersey.

    Ministers responded – 17 July 2019

    Health and environmental protection is a priority for Government. There are no substantiated health impacts from mobile phone services including 5G. 5G services are being implemented around the world.

    1,116 signatures

  14. Introduce plant based plastic islandwide to reduce usage of single use plastic

    Ministers responded – 21 June 2019

    Plant based plastics are readily available in Jersey from commercial suppliers and many establishments use these products. These plastics are single use items, thus reusable options are preferred.

    1,211 signatures

  15. Have an allocated beach in Jersey where dogs can be off their leads all year.

    Ministers responded – 20 June 2019

    The existing rules are fair and are reasonably generous to dog walkers. They take account of the broad range of other reasons why both residents and tourists visit Jersey’s beautiful beaches.

    1,542 signatures

  16. Scrap the idea to close the roads around liberation square permanently.

    Ministers responded – 15 June 2019

    As already announced, the amended improvements to the Square will ensure that the road will not be permanently closed and traffic flow, particularly at peak times, is not impeded.

    1,139 signatures

  17. Stop the strikes and support our teachers

    Ministers responded – 14 June 2019

    Throughout the negotiations, all reasonable steps were taken to resolve matters. There was never any reason to call strikes whilst talks were still happening, in the view of the SEB.

    1,250 signatures

  18. Cease paying income tax on Social Security pensions.

    Ministers responded – 15 May 2019

    50% of pensioners do not pay any income tax. Making old age pension exempt would not benefit those pensioners with the lowest incomes, because they do not pay income tax under the existing system.

    2,705 signatures

  19. Lower the age for a smear test from 25 to 18 to prevent cervical cancer.

    Ministers responded – 12 March 2019

    Strong evidence shows cervical screening in women under 25 does more harm than good

    1,075 signatures

  20. Higher sentences for paedophiles.

    Ministers responded – 1 February 2019

    It is not common practice in Jersey to use legislation to set minimum prison terms. Further research is needed to establish if resources should be diverted to monitoring offenders for their whole life

    5,100 signatures

  21. Ban the use of Round Up and all products containing glyphosate in the Island.

    Ministers responded – 11 January 2019

    There is currently insufficient evidence to justify a ban of products containing glyphosate, and we will continue to monitor E.U. & U.K. professional authorities’ advice and respond appropriately.

    1,588 signatures

  22. Provide CGM devices and insulin pumps on prescription to all type 1 diabetics.

    Ministers responded – 14 December 2018

    The actions requested by the petitioner will be considered as part of the work on the development of an Island-wide strategy for the diabetes service.

    1,411 signatures

  23. Only allow fireworks to be sold or supplied in Jersey for licensed displays

    Ministers responded – 6 December 2018

    It is intended to bring forward Regulations which would require public firework displays to be licenced by the relevant Connétable.

    1,521 signatures

  24. Remove cannabis from Schedule One & not just the States/MDAC approved products.

    Ministers responded – 2 December 2018

    The States recently agreed to bring forward legislation to allow cannabis-derived medicinal products to be prescribed. However Cannabis remains a controlled drug.

    1,056 signatures

  25. Restore Fort Regent to its former glory

    Ministers responded – 6 November 2018

    The Council of Ministers is committed to devising and executing a plan to make best use of the Fort Regent site over the next 50 years.

    1,302 signatures

  26. Increase Island speed limit to 50mph

    Ministers responded – 30 October 2018

    Increasing the speed limit to 50 mph would considerably adversely impact road safety, particularly for vulnerable road users.

    1,342 signatures

  27. Stop the ‘de minimis’ threshold of £240 from being lowered on online purchases.

    Ministers responded – 26 October 2018

    The Minister for Treasury and Resources has decided not to adjust the de minimis level in Budget 2019.

    1,341 signatures

  28. Ban FLU-mist shots taking place in Jersey nurseries and schools

    Ministers responded – 22 October 2018

    Strong evidence shows that the nasal flu vaccine is safe.

    312 signatures

  29. Ballot all hospital staff about the future use of the current site.

    Ministers responded – 5 October 2018

    The Hospital Policy Development Board has commissioned a survey to ask health staff for their views on the location of a new hospital, which is intended to promote engagement in line with the petition

    1,304 signatures

  30. Make it law to stop ‘Hit and Run’ for Cats

    Ministers responded – 11 October 2018

    Cats are already well provided for in the Jersey Highway Code and the Animal Welfare Law.

    5,385 signatures

  31. Assisted Dying - allow individuals of capacity their own end of life choices

    Ministers responded – 1 October 2018

    Assisted dying is a complex and sensitive issue requiring further in depth consideration by the Council of Ministers, drawing on the extensive work undertaken in other parts of the British Isles.

    1,861 signatures

  32. Introduce a free ‘Aire’ French style camping system in Jersey for locals.

    Ministers responded – 26 September 2018

    Enjoying Jersey’s coast and countryside is part of island life but needs management to protect its qualities. A review of short-stay camping regulation is required to see how best to manage it.

    1,526 signatures

  33. Rental price caps law to limit rental prices to reasonable rents

    Ministers responded – 19 September 2018

    The Minister for Housing will pursue policies that improve the standard of living for islanders, including improving the quality and affordability of housing.

    5,298 signatures

  34. Provide compensation for Asbestos victims

    Ministers responded – 7 September 2018

    Employers must hold liability insurance. Sufferers of diffuse mesothelioma may be able to claim, dependent on individual circumstances. The Social Security review will consider the need for a scheme.

    1,354 signatures

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