Other lists of petitions

Rejected petitions

123 petitions

  1. Give singer/guitarist Gavin Tate back his busking licence

  2. Put speed bumps on la pouquelaye road making it safe for children/residents

  3. Disband the Health and Community Services Advisory Board with immediate effect.

  4. That the Chief Minister removes her signature from the Jersey Unity Statement

  5. Allow the Sauna Society to operate from its current position at St. Catherine's

  6. Bring back ice skating at Christmas.

  7. Allow Sauna Society to keep their sauna at its current location in St. Catherine

  8. End the discrimination on same sex couple fertility financial support.

  9. Allow double pane windows for residential listed buildings.

  10. Finally have holocaust remembrance at Fort Regent WW2 Jewish/ Slave Labour

  11. Stop the name change of Halkett Street.

  12. Stop the name change of Halkett Street.

  13. Make an all inclusive Sensory Playground

  14. Overhaul Animal Welfare (Jersey) Law. Animals are being mistreated. CHANGE IT

  15. Change The Animal Welfare Law to give The States Vet powers to remove animals

  16. Devote funding to expanding and improving facilities at Hautlieu School.

  17. Make it illegal for a venue to not make one fully vegan option on menus

  18. Build more all weather footbal pitches accesible to everyone!

  19. Help Reg Langois keep his wonderful gardens open

  20. Allow e-scooters to be used in Jersey

  21. Investigate the behaviour of children's services social workers towards clients

  22. Stop damaging Jersey!

  23. Stop building 77 houses on Brown-field sites (Field 622 and 623) in St.Ouen.

  24. Prevent an environmental disaster plant trees not houses on the field in St Mary

  25. Allow children to have MRI scans under general anaesthetic

  26. Extend Jersey's 3 mile exclusion zone to its full extent.

  27. Ban the unsolicited distribution of “The Rock” paper to homes on the island.

  28. Hold a new vote on whether to build Our hospital at Overdale or People’s Park.

  29. Increase the minimum wage alongside inflation every year

  30. Remove five years in the Island as an employment requirement.

  31. Vote of no confidence in the government

  32. Disclose ALL meeting minutes!

  33. Change the law on help for same sex couples. It's discrimination on us.

  34. Close all schools next A week early.

  35. Stop the 5 year residency required for qualified Vet Nurses from abroad!

  36. SAVE THE MAYFAIR HOTEL from demolition, that’s due to be turned into flats!

  37. Review the use of electric vehicles on the road and public land

  38. Legalise the use of electric scooters

  39. Look into increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

  40. Remove mask usage for Children and Teachers in Jersey schools

  41. Issue the vaccine passport asap so people can travel without isolation

  42. Roll out Covid-19 vaccine passports in Jersey

  43. Stop anti-vaxxers being able to teach children

  44. Make all unloading bays 24/7 to help delivery drivers in St. Helier


  46. Let fathers attend maternity appointments e.g ultrasounds and anti-natal clinics

  47. Change rules to allow safe visiting to care/residential homes immediately

  48. Medical Care for free Islanders paid social contributions and tax high enough

  49. Put law in place to stop hit and run. Especially when there is a child involved

  50. Close schools and protect students and staff

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